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Bassi S.r.l. produce machines for diamond tools and brake pads.

One of major strengths is the "service" with over twenty years experience gained in leader Companies in the Industry.


Bassi S.r.l. - Via Anguissola 19 - 29010 - Calendasco - Piacenza - Italy
Sede operativa - Via Giacobina 18 -29010 Santimento di Rottofreno -Piacenza - Italy
Tel. +39 366 7436871 - Fax +39 0523 1810150 - E-mail: - P.IVA 01683020331
Societa Unipersonale - Cap. Soc. 10.000 € i.v. - Iscrizione al REA di Piacenza al n° PC 183165 REA n° 01683020331 r.i.


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